Thursday, April 29, 2010

Don't Organize, Simplify

@zen_habits on Twitter, Leo Babauta of, made a 3 word Tweet today that kind of irked me.

Leo, I love your work, man, but the tendency to oversimplify in the name of Zen or whatever else is something I can't really abide.  Now, we all know who's the productivity blogger here and who's the trading card game blogger, so I hope I'll be taken with a grain of salt. 

There are times when simplification and organization are two halves of the same whole.  When I organize my store's stock of thousands upon thousands of tiny pieces of collectible cardboard, I need to do both.

I need to mind my daily workflow - what system allows for easy input and output?  What system allows an employee other than myself to come in and learn without any teaching (ie is it intuitive?)  What system represents a division of cards along multiple axes - Value, Set, Format etc. such that when I go to a trade show or event, I can take only the most relevant with me without having to undo any sorting whatsoever?

My system is as simple as it can be without sacrificing efficiency or efficacy.  It is also organized.  Each item has it's place.

Just food for thought, since I don't believe that simplicity alone is the answer to everything.  It is something that should be pursued alongside other goals, like logical workflow and an intuitive user interface.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with everything here, his tweet seems really raw and needs refining, which you did. Organization and simple go hand in hand IMO.
    as an aside, how do you KBR, organize your cards? I need to start organizing because my collection is growing larger and larger now that I have been playing for more than a year or two...
